Here’s my take of what a typical chemo week is for me.
At the start I dread chemo week every cycle. It was going to be a challenge, but I was in it for the long haul. It is one of the weeks I hate doing each week but we approach it as another challenge, just get it done and over.
At the early stages I was vomiting extremely frequently - around every 15 minutes. There were at times, I couldn’t keep anything down, it got to a stage where I ended up in A&E as I didn’t eat for 8 days. That was a tough period for me. Trust me when I say it gets a lot better over time, it really does. You learn key things to do which help massively.
Nowadays, I still hate that week as it’s draining, I can’t see people, I’m unable to go outside, and if I run out of supplies, you have to rely on others - It makes you feel like you’re a burden.
Being stuck inside the same four walls can mess with your mental health, it can make you double think every aspect, but you need to think past that, try to keep active as possible, and keep your mind busy.
The symptoms are different for everyone, no one person will go through the same, it’s about taking what others have done and seeing if they work for you.
Chemo Week: Day 1
Usually, I have bundles of energy, I use this day as my adjustment day. Day one of the cycle I tend to batch cook so I have something that I can just chuck in the microwave if I lack energy and just want to relax. I make sure whilst I’ve got the energy to fit in a workout after I’ve finished my working day, this helps me pass the time whilst also improving my mental state. Being active makes me feel normal.
Chemo Week: Day 2
Day 2 can differ, I can either be alert and active or start to feel tired.
For me, it’s usually another day, let’s get stuff done and focus on the task ahead. We’re not quite at the halfway point yet, we can’t count down the days but it’s key to stay motivated and don’t let what’s ahead consume me. It’s vital that I stay positive in these early stages and take it day by day.
Chemo Week: Day 3
I have reached the halfway stage, but still have a long way to go. I try to work as long as I possibly can without pushing it or myself. Sometimes you just have to listen to your body and know when it’s best to switch off. If I feel tired, it’s ok to have a nap. It’s ok to take it easy. This is when it’s a key time to take advantage of those healthy meals that I prepared.
Chemo Week: Day 4
I’m over the halfway point. At this point I’m counting down the days that are left. I tend to be tired but it depends if the week catches up with me, I can be more tired if the case.I usually just want the week to be over, this day can either be quick or drag. Being inside for this length of time, it can affect your mental wellbeing, it can easily affect your state of mind, but I try to remain positive and just think there’s one day left, I can do this.
Chemo Week: Day 5
I’m nearly there. The end is in sight. Soon as the day is over, I can go outside and see people again.
By this point I don’t really think too much about what film or TV series to watch, I just want this day to be over and done with. If I can fast forward the day, I would, I can’t explain how much I just want it done.
The quality of the day can differ depending on my tiredness. If my mind is active and I’m productive, the day can be over quick, however, the final day can be never ending!
I can see people and go outside.
For the next two days I'm anti-sickness only, so I can still feel certain side-effects of the week.
Even a walk to do some food shopping can knacker me out (yes, I know what you’re thinking, a guy that runs as much as I do surely can’t be knackered from that). Trust me I can be. Sometimes, I sit down once I’ve got home and give myself 5 or 10 minutes to recover.
I like to go outside, be able to do things for myself again, and feel like normal - I stress and say the normal word a lot, it’s because I don’t want to be treated any different, I want things to be normal as possible.